The Great Unveiling – your Lion Bite word for today

 My sons and daughters, as you come to my alter on your knees with heads and hearts bowed low. Look up in your spirits and see me unveil all that has covered you and stopped you from seeing me in the fullness of my glory. You have let the enemy dim your sight and veil you, but that veil was not from me; that veil that separates earth and heaven was torn on the day I died for you. There is no separation. As you lift up your head, I will unveil you to see more clearly into the spiritual realm that is all around you.

As we lock eyes, you will see yourselves as you are in the light of my glory. Let me unveil you. For you are mine, and I am yours. Let my eyes of Glory burn through you with love and let them burn up all the lies. See, absorb, digest my light and glory into the fullness of your being and rise up my Bride in radiance and glory. 

2 Corinthians 3;18 (NIV) 

But whenever anyone turns to the Lord the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom And we all who with Unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory which comes from the Lord who is spirit. 


As you kneel before the Lord, ask him to show you what veil is covering you (shame, guilt, fear etc.). Ask him to remove the veil between you and him so that you can see something new in the spiritual realm.  Seek God’s face, and his eyes see his glory looking at you. Let his gaze burn up the lies the enemy has told you and any impurities so that you can rise transformed into your full God-given identity. Ask God to reveal to you and show you in his reflection how he sees you with the veil gone.


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