Just as waves lap on the shore, each one moving into the land, the Lord says, ‘I am coming… I am coming… I am coming…
Are you ready for my coming? Is your heart open? Is your mind focused on me and my ways? Are you ready to be taken deeper into who I am, and are you open to my leading?
I am ready to come for you my Bride, are you ready for me?
Make ready; prepare and set the torches alight for my coming. Set the fires ablaze in preparation of my arrival and be alert for your coming King. Open your heart – fix your gaze on me – do not allow distractions to come in and steal what I have for you. Focus and prepare yourself, for I am coming.’
Revelation 22:7/12/20 (AMP)
…I am coming speedily… I am coming soon… I am coming quickly…