Throughout the earth, I hear voices saying, “There must be more to life than this.” Many don’t even realise that they are thinking this, yet they are discontent with life as it is.
“My Children, there is much more than what you’ve seen and experienced. There is much more that I want to do in and through you. Yet I need you to co-operate with me. Many of you have not seen the more, because you doubt that it exists. Others of you sit and wait, not realising that I have given you all authority and access.
Go and do what I have given you permission to do! Be the nation changers and the history makers! Take my solutions to the worldly systems! Grab hold of my healing power! Run the race that I have given you for you already have the victory!”
Mark 9:21-23 TPT
Jesus turned to the father and asked, “How long has your son been tormented like this?”
“Since childhood,” he replied. “It tries over and over to kill him by throwing him into fire or water. But please, if you’re able to do something, anything—have compassion on us and help us!”
Jesus said to him, “What do you mean ‘if’? If you are able to believe, all things are possible to the believer.”