True Love

Those who seek Me wholeheartedly, with everything in them never go away empty-handed.

They do find Me.

I long to share with all My children the plans that involve them, but that requires My children to recognize that they sometimes fall out of step with my best for them. Many walk through life believing they are walking in my will. I want to revolutionise how they walk with me.

I seek justice.

I seek truth.

I seek obedience.

But oh how I seek love, for I AM love! 

And when you find yourself swimming in the fullness of my love, the anger and disappointment floats away.

Seek my face as I seek your heart and let my love wash you into fresh clarity and depth of understanding. 

Activation: Ask Holy Spirit to help you identify anyone who has wronged you and where you still need to give forgiveness. As He names people, bless them and release God’s love into their lives.

1 John 4:8 (NASB)

The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

1 Peter 4:8 (NASB)

Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.

Isaiah 66:2b (NASB)

…But to this one I will look,

To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.

Well Done

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