Using the gifts you have been given – your Lion Bites word for today

You must use the gifts that God He has given you in these days, lest they will petrify. God has given you an array of Spiritual gifts and enablements, some of which you have been using on occasion and others which are still contained, as if ‘unopened’. Hear the Holy Spirit encouraging you to open and start to use all the gifts that He has given you, more frequently – increase the use and the frequency of use of them. If not there will be gifts that you have been given which will petrify and will be as useful as dust blowing the wind.

You may be feeling that you are not able; you may believe that you do not have the gifts God has given you. Or perhaps you are waiting for something to happen, a ‘special’ event or sign? But Jesus says to you today, ‘You have the gifts that I have given to you by my Spirit, begin to use them more than ever before! For it is through my gifts that I bring advancement of my Kingdom and I am advancing through you in this hour.’

It is time to get over our reluctance, fears and concerns of utilising the gifts we have been given and move out in confidence with assurance from God that He is with us!

Matthew 28:18
Then Jesus came to them and said,’ All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go…’


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