Watch me at work today

Today and everyday Jesus Christ is at work in your life but in the coming hours those who look closely for signs will see the evidence of His handiwork with more clarity than usual. May His Spirit open your eyes, so that you might be encouraged in this special, yet crowded season.

The Lord’s fingerprints are all over your life and daily business. Now, look out for each mark from those prints and rejoice that He is alive, that He cares and that He is impacting your life – the shockwaves reverberate like the patterns of a fingerprint. Enjoy and be blessed by what you see as you look. And may these things encourage and strengthen you to play your part.

Matthew 28:20b
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

PS If you have things you’d like to share with the readers of Lion Bites – evidence, testimonies and so on – then please do leave a comment on our website (click on the title of a Lion Bite to see and post comments) or on our Facebook page Thanks! 


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