Well done! – your Lion Bites word for today

There is such a commendation from heaven for your faithfulness! There is commendation for your faithfulness in the face of adversity; for your faithfulness against the onslaught of ungodly thinking and ungodly talk – even from those around you; for your faithfulness even through times of famine and drought; for your faithfulness in a world that knows only rampant unfaithfulness; for your faithfulness with what you had been given; for your faithfulness even when your body has been ravaged by this present life.
‘Well done good and faithful servant!’ Receive this commendation today. Enjoy the commendation from your Heavenly Father. (It’s good to celebrate and enjoy when He commends you!!) Shake off all doubt. Turn your back on the Accuser, who even in this time of commendation would like to have you wallow in condemnation. Ignore him and listen to your Father as He invites you to enter into His joy and pleasure!
Matthew 25:21
His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’



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