When the horizon is hard to see… – your Lion Bites word for today

Glorify God and you will see what you are trying to see. The horizon is clearer than you think!
I saw a vision of a painting on a wall in a gallery: a dark and bleak landscape, rugged hills with turbulent, cloudy skies and painted in heavy colours, with layer upon layer of thick brush strokes. Perhaps it was the work of an ‘Old Master’ – it was certainly worth stopping to scrutinise. The frame was large and ornate. I sat in front of the painting and tried to see if I could recognise the countryside in the picture but it was impossible to discern much more than rock, moorland and thick, thick cloud. Even standing right up close to the artwork didn’t reveal much more. I gave up.

And then I heard the words, ‘Glory, glory, glory! Glory to the Lord God Almighty!’ As my spirit joined in with this heavenly roar, a bright light, like sunshine, filled the gallery. I looked again at the painting, now declaring the glory of God over it; exalting Him and praising His name. The bright light moved under the edge of the frame and appeared in the painting itself, like a bright sun in the sky, shining on the landscape. Now the painting took on a 3-dimensional aspect, much more of the land was illuminated and bright. The more God was glorified in praise, the more I could see – further and further, deeper and deeper… until the horizon was clear and discernible.
May you find ways to glorify God when your horizon seems murky and hard to discern. As you do, you will enjoy a deeper view of the great life that He has given you!
2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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