Who will stand?

Psalm 33:5
The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love

The Lord calls out: ‘Sons and daughters, stand up for righteousness! Lay hold of what is unrighteous and destroy it. Destroy it by My Word and by My Spirit. Take hold of what is unjust and merciless and speak out against it.

I am calling those who I have appointed for this time: Arise and awaken!. Take hold of your pens and write letters of heavenly justice and mercy. I am calling those I have appointed to speak out against unrighteousness and injustice.

My children, I have called YOU and I have appointed YOU to speak out on My behalf. YOU are My mouthpiece on this earth. YOU are those with the wisdom and knowledge of My Word and who perceive, by My Spirit, what is just and right. Hold back no longer and use the voice I have given you. Take up your pens; raise your voice; break down the walls of injustice with My Word. For I have spoken and I will continue to speak. My Words are alive and resounding throughout the universe – they are truth. Bring these words to land in the places that I highlight to you: in your governmental structures, your workplaces, your homes and in the nations.

I am releasing an anointing of righteous anger and a holy injustice for those who desire to be speakers and fighters for justice. Stand up you who want to be My mouthpiece and My voice. Stand up and say “YES!” And I will fill your mouth; I will enable your hand to write. I am looking for those who are willing to expose themselves for the sake of justice and righteousness. Will it be you?

Psalm 103:6 
The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed

Psalm 97:2
Clouds and thick darkness surround him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.


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