As we wrap up the year and the decade, what is it that God has spoken to you that is still for you to do?
Are there words, nudges, promptings that you know you have not made time for or a priority? Is it time to now bring these before the Lord and to deal with them?
For the Spirit of the Lord says, “Do not go into this new year with things left undone. For these were prophetic words, dreams, and even visions that I gave to you to do, but you have not taken them seriously. Yet now is the time to consider them. Now is the time to bring them before me to weigh up and decide whether you will do what I have told you or delay it again.
Choose to yield to my prompting today for I desire the best for you, and it comes when you have yielded to my plans and determined to follow my lead.”
Ruth 3:5-6
And she replied, “All that you say I will do.”
So she went down to the threshing floor and did just as her mother-in-law had commanded her.