You are being led into victory –  your Lion Bites word for today

Ephesians 6:12
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

I see a devasted battlefield, a land ruined by machines of war. In this land there is a solider lying on the ground, exhausted from war, feeling broken and weak. This soldier is struggling to remember who he is, where he is, and why he is there.

And God says, “many of you feel like this soldier, defeated and overcome by the enemy. Your hope has depleted, and you feel despaired. But I say to you; this is not the end for I have sent in reinforcements to heal you, pick you up, fill you with sustaining power and release you to defeat your enemy

At this moment I am binding your wounds, healing your heart and leading you to victory.

Know this, despite how you feel, your part in the previous battle has given you insight into the enemy’s strategies, and now you have the solutions. For you have grown stronger than you think on this battlefield, learning how to wield my weapons of warfare. You have learned skills that will lead others forward to possess new ground, rooting out the enemy, exploiting his tactics and I will promote you.”

So today, lay a hand on your heart and invite the Father to come and heal you, pick you up and then fill you with sustaining power to fulfil your call as a warrior in the army of God.


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