You will see the way forward –  your Lion Bites word for today

I heard the Lord say “I am coming to release clarity and clear thought processes to you as I deal with any lingerings of confusion and of a clouded mind. I am moving with force to uncap a new level of vision in your life that will drive you forward into good decisions, and good choices with regards to your destiny.

You have experienced a great deal of uncertainty and confusion in reason months with regards to your future, not entirely sure what your call is or how to move forward. But today, I come to medicate this confusion with vision. You will see the way forward, and you will see the steps that you are meant to take and no longer will you find yourself stuck going round and round the mountain again for lack of direction. I am your God, and I alone determine your future.”

There are some of you who have a burning in your heart to start your own business; you know this is your call yet struggle to see clearly how this can be. Today, grab hold of this anointing to ‘see clearly’ as God begins to show you direction and give you instruction that will pull you forward into fulfilling this part of your call. For others, you find yourself in family and relational upheaval and cannot see a way out; lay hands on your eyes and receive God’s perspective to see your situation as He does and find the solutions to renew what seems permanently broken.

Today there is a new anointing for all to see the way forward. If you have struggled with vision recently, invite God to come and to break off confusion and release a clarity of sight. For you will see the way forward.

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”


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