Don’t despair, I am with you

My child – you who are in me and united with me: take heart as you face the trials and tribulations of this age, secure in the knowledge that I am with you and in you. I will never change or leave you. I am with you.

You say in your heart, ‘Is my God with me in this?’ You wonder why things aren’t going your way. Yet, I am with you.

Do not get bogged down in the mire and muck of life – lift your eyes up to me and see that you have my favour and my hand. I am with you and I will sustain you.

Do not despair or worry – give these emotions to me – for I would have you free and light, unhindered. I am with you. I am for you.

I desire for you to know that my face shines on you. I am not angry with you nor am I punishing you. I am working out my plans for your life – good plans for you whom I love. Listen to my heart for your life, look to my Word and let it sustain you. I am with you and I will see that breakthrough comes in your life!

Hold fast. Your day of breakthrough is coming. It is here – in me. For I am.

Matthew 28:20b
And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

1 Corinthians 6:17
But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit.


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