Guard against deception and distraction – your Lion Bites word for today

Be on guard

Beware the plans of the enemy to hijack you on your spiritual journey in this season.

He has spotted your momentum, your gathering pace and though he does not know what is ahead, he doesn’t like what he is seeing. The Holy Spirit is forewarning you to be aware that the enemy will seek to deceive in two specific ways in this season:

For those who feel they are progressing into deeper waters with God, the enemy – who is a deceiver – is beginning to whisper that you’ve left something behind – as if you have to go ‘back to the shore’ and start again. This will especially be like an attack on your self-worth and even your very salvation (watch out for anxious feelings that are like the ‘did I really pack my passport?’ worries that we have when going on a journey) So do not partner with this fear or trepidation; trust in the Lord your God and on His Word!

For others, the enemy wants to distract you and lure you down a side-street, off the path. So be on your guard for things that look inviting but are really mere sideshows or even false beginnings.

In all these things, let intimacy with your Lord and Saviour be your watchword. Stay close to Him and you will neither lose momentum nor stray off the track. Spend time with Him and His Word!

And resist the devil and he WILL flee.

James 4:7-8
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.


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