Holding You for Healing

I am holding you, like a mother holds a baby. You are close to me, completely surrounded and protected. I am holding you this way very specifically because I am beginning, in you, a time of healing in your very foundations. I want to heal the wounds in you that were caused by negative and cursing words spoken over you as a young child. Some of these words are known to you, and some are unknown. But all are producing the same fruit: fear and depression. Let me extract the barbs of cursing words and bring a release and relief from that pain.

Ask me; give me permission to envelop your life, pushing out all emotion and mindsets that are not from me. Welcome in my acceptance, my love and comfort, my boldness and bravery. You are not weak. I made you strong and warrior-like. It’s time to forgive those that hurt you, who should have cared for you. It’s time to be healed, it’s time to look ahead now and move forward.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.


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