I Am Your Healer

Did you know that I am your healer? I will provide all that you need. Bring me your heart, your pain, your worry; bring me your physical pain, your disability, your brokenness – for I am the God who heals, who puts together what has been broken. What is shattered I will restore. Why are you holding onto what ails you? Let go and give it to me today without delay. Speak it out and release it to me from your heart. For I am Christ, your Saviour, and I overcame, already, everything that has come against you. So give it to me.

I speak life where there has been death, I speak hope where there is seemingly no way or future, I speak wholeness and fullness where there has been a shattering of confidence and self-esteem. You are my Bride and will be made spotless by me – you can’t do it yourself. Let me come and heal you. Your identity is in me. You are seated with me in the Heavenly places so take your place there and agree with me. Don’t delay any further!

1 Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.

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