It won’t fit! Don’t you care, Father?

I saw a scene with a young child sitting in front of a toy – the wooden toy where the square block fits into the square hole and so on. The child would pick up the same block over and over again. I watched as, time after time, he tried to fit the block into the same hole – but it was always the wrong one. There seemed such a determination on his face that this block must fit in that hole! He was hammering at it, doing everything he could to get the block to fit. His level of frustration was rising and rising. It did not occur to him that perhaps he should try a different hole or that a different block fitted. Tantrums, anger and frustration were all over this little one. Then I saw the parent coming across and very gently calming the little one down and beginning to show him how to try a different block, or a different hole. All the while I was wondering why the parent hadn’t stepped in earlier!

Then Father said, ‘The little one didn’t want help, and wanted to do it his own way. Too often my children want to do things their own way. The frustrations arise, the temper tantrums come and, because I don’t do it in their time scale or in the way they think, they walk away, saying that I don’t care! The truth is that I am very concerned, even about the little details.’

Come today and ask the Father about His ways and His thoughts; seek His wisdom and you will live. The weariness that you have carried in your hearts concerning certain situations will no longer be a burden.

Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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