Let me re-ignite who I created you to be

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty in you. Holy, Holy, Holy, am I, the Holy Spirit who lives in you. Holy I have declared you. You are Holy, because I am Holy. When I see you, I see my life, my destiny, my purpose, my creation perfected and the fullness of the identity that is unique to me, born in you. No one has what you have; no one is like you; no one is the same; there is only one of you, as I made you for me and my pleasure. Your life as it is designed is being purified more and more each day.

So declare to the ‘stinking thinking’ of the enemy that you will not let the fog of doubt back into your life! Let the purity of my presence re-ignite who I created you to be. Just as the sunlight burns away the fog because it raises the temperature of the air, so too is my Holiness that lives in you… no more can shame, sin and sorrow rule.

Though you may fall down you are still you, a created, powerful, spirit-being; called and anointed, joined to me. Even as the earth moves around the sun, so are you moving forward into your destiny!

Your destiny is joining forces with the fire burning in my people: that unifying power, calling you to join in the great increase of praise of those who, across this earth, will – and are – bringing back the anointing of my living presence. My Holiness will swell within you and those who know me. You and they will sense an increase of my creative awareness and will know that all that is good, perfect, and Holy comes from me.

You will flow more and move more into your destiny as you see that I have declared you HOLY. Your time has come, your time, to declare my Holiness in you.

Psalm 103:1
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 


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