Position yourself for the next wave

I have awakened many hearts to the new things that I am doing on the earth today. Yet many still slumber and sleep away the days that I have ordained as those in which to be alive and awake! I am calling those sleeping hearts awake again now. Those who respond to this call will be able to flow with what I am doing in the nations and with what I am about to release. I am about to release the next level of awakening and refreshing to individual hearts for this coming season.

You, who are those whom I have awakened in this hour: pray for those yet to be roused, for I desire many to transition into the next level of awakening that I have ordained for this time. The awakening wave I am about to release will overwhelm many and catch them off guard. But to you who are seeking My face and expecting it and, have been preparing for it – you will be carried along with the wave and be transformed from one degree of glory to another. See, the fruit of this wave is already beginning to have life and grow. Call it forth!

Believe, and you shall see the Kingdom of God manifest on the earth to new levels. Trust and have faith that I will bring fulfillment to all I have decreed and declared. Position yourself – for the coming of the next wave of My Glory is about hit and nothing will prevent it!

Psalm 42:7
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls: all your waves and you breakers have swept over me.


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