Wise Stewardship

Remember to be a wise steward of what God is giving to you. The enemy would like to kill and destroy it even as it lands in your hands – and before you even get to apply these God-sent-gifts. Be alert to satan’s scheme; he wants to distract you from fully connecting with what the Holy Spirit is releasing to you.

There is a sense of a special release of Spiritual gifts, finances, anointings, mantles, new strategies and revelation in this hour. Take hold of what God gives to you out of this and hold it deep within yourself. Allow it to fully connect with you: body, soul and spirit; ensure you have it grasped tightly to yourself.

Then be a good steward of all you have been charged with and all that God has given, for His way is to add more to you if you are one who stewards well. He looks for those He can trust and He delights to freely give to His children.

The burden of what is being asked is easy, the yoke is light. Simply stay close to God, and be alert. He says to you, ‘I will fulfill all that I have promised in and through you, even as you agree with Me to hold all that I have gifted to you and use it well’.

Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms

also Luke 19:11-27 (The Parable of the Ten Minas)


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