The Word transforms

The Spirit of God declares:
‘My Word is true. My Word is perfect. My Word is Holy. Respond to My Word’.

There are many who are living without applying His logos, or written, Word to their lives… His Word is often merely used as a pacifier, a place of momentary encouragement to help get over life’s ‘humps’. Yet the Lord is saying that His Word needs to be respected and given the honour it is due (for it holds great power) and that His Word is to be revered, just as He is revered. For it came from His mouth and He spoke it into being.

The Word of the Lord transforms…

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart Hebrews 4:12

It is a Holy book and demands and requires an attitude of holiness, honour and reverence as it is read and applied.

There is a call to repentance for the church to seek forgiveness from the Lord for the way it has treated His Word as a ’good book’ rather than THE Holy Book.

Will you respond to this invitation? And will you be one who repents on behalf of the church, and be one who brings a shift in how God’s Holy Word is seen by the church and the world?


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