Time to be Free

My child, I know the pain that you are experiencing. I know and can see that pressure and pain behind your right eye that you have carried for what seems so long and that you wondered if you would ever be free from. That pressure that builds and causes distraction when you try to worship, and pain when you try to read my Word. I know what you are experiencing, my child, and see how you are being robbed.

Listen, my child: it is time to be free! And to the robber and the destroyer I say, ‘STOP’! Let my people go that they may worship me. My child, as you read my Word and worship, I tell that pressure to pop and the pain to leave. It is time to be free now!

Isaiah 53:4-5 (NET)
But He lifted up our illnesses, He carried our pain; even though we thought He was being punished, attacked by God, and afflicted for something He had done. He was wounded  because of our rebellious deeds, crushed because of our sins; He endured punishment that made us well; because of His wounds we have been healed.


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