You’re invited on an adventure! – your Lion Bites word for today

God is releasing an invitation to you today. It is an invitation to an adventure, more amazing experiences and a life where no two days will be the same!

You are invited into forwarding movement and, as you accept, there will be a breaking out of the rigidity and monotony of the track you have been journeying on. This is a personal invitation into the new and fresh ways of God – an adventure personal to you, and not a replica of another’s journey. Know this, God is not calling you to isolation but to exploits and a life venture designed with you in mind.

This ‘new place’ that God is taking you to requires a pioneering spirit, one willing to go wherever this path meanders and weaves over time. God requires more trust from you and faith that He will not lead you into challenging terrain without equipping you for it. This invite necessitates faith to access and walk into it.

God is calling you – yes, you Lion!

He is calling for your spirit of adventure again and asking you to say yes to a journey of joy with Him into unchartered territory.

Will you go?

Ruth 1:16
But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.


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