Wake Up, My Beloved

It is time to stand and take your position: I have placed you in your family, workplace and community, for such a time as this. You are crucial to my Kingdom, uniquely-made and positioned. You are the one I died for. So I am calling you to wake-up, my child, and stand up – take my hand and take your place. As you stand in your position, I have remarkable things for you that you as yet have not imagined. I have come to shine my glory upon you.

The season of day dreaming is over. I do not want you to sleep-walk and miss the amazing opportunities which I am setting before you in this hour. I am completing a work in you and don’t want you to miss it and so I will open your eyes to see. Allow me to do this work in you my child. I will not wake you with a clatter – but a gentle kiss.

It is time to wake up from your slumber, choosing to stop lying down where it has become too comfortable. So will you agree to wake-up and rise into your position, my beloved?

Ephesians 8:14

Live as children of the light…everything exposed by the light becomes visible, …that is why it is said ‘Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine upon you.’


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